Your Reasons to Vote for Deborah Croucher

  • Pledge 1. Voluntary Redundancy

    With the integration of new technology and AI, this inevitably brings about change. Understandably the bank will continue to transform in order to remain current in the market place, which will undoubtably affect our members. As this change approaches I will focus on your employment rights and therefore want to fight for a small change to the redundancy policy, to allow for VOLUNTARY redundancy for those who want it, as some may feel it’s the right time for them to go and want to be able to have that choice.

  • Pledge 2. Flexible Working

    Flexible working - giving flexibility over where, when and the hours people work - is increasingly in demand, but the ability to meet these requests have become more complex due to lack of resource. Managers tell me they want to be be able to say “yes”, but find it impossible to do so, simply because the business demand against resource does not allow it. I am committed to continue dialog with the bank on this subject. Particularly on behalf of part-time working parents and those with Carer responsibilities, who need this the most. As a mother and grandmother, I truly understand these needs.

  • Pledge 3. Pay Negotiations

    WIth the current cost of living crisis which seems to have no end, pay negotiations become vital. I want you to be involved and have your say, during this crucial process. This can be achieved with a ballot where you can have the final say. Another issue that I so often hear regarding pay, is the disparity that can exist within the current pay structure. There are people that have been asked to take on additional responsibilities and tasks without any financial recognition. These are concerns that I have listened to and would want to address as your next General Secretary.

  • Pledge 4. Up Skilling Our Representatives

    With thanks to Linda Rolph, who leaves us in a strong financial position, we have the ability to invest in further development and training for our Representatives who are the heartbeat of our union and invaluable to our members. I plan to open up opportunity to all of our reps to attend TUC training and ACAS sponsored development courses including Mediation, Mental Health Awareness, Employment Law, to name a few. My objectives will be to encourage our current representatives to come forward for sponsorship, to obtain further qualifications that will enhance, not only Advances support to our members but gives opportunity to all representatives for personal development. I would like to develop a stronger communication network between our office, our senior team and our Representatives. Also keeping our fantastic and essential helpline (based in Tring) to remain a fully functional service, giving vital support and advice to our members at times of need.

  • Pledge 5. Communication

    Communiction is the lifeblood of all relationships and I see it as essential to bring Advance into the 21st century, by appointing a communications officer who will ensure that our members can access us, with ease, across all streams of social media and beyond. We appreciate that the way we communicate is changing and it is important to me that we keep up with this, so that communication remains at the heart of everything we do. This will of course include, maintaining the existing evening helpline that was set up by Linda Rolph, which gives unique access to your General Secretary at a convenient hour for members. I will also extend this to weekends, giving you greater access 7 days a week.

  • Pledge 6. Diversity & Inclusion

    The benefits of diversity are realised when everyone feels they can bring their unique selves to work and contribute meaningfully all day, every day without any fear of judgment. This process involves some introspection and empathy and is extremely important to creating champions of diversity and inclusion. I want to ensure that our focus remains, and continues to monitor, to move the needle forward, to ensure our diversity and inclusion efforts stay strong, both inside Advance and within the Bank. This includes people who are working with disability who require reasonable adjustments, in order to have dignity and be valued within the bank.