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General Secretary Election 2024

Voting has started. You should now have your ballots papers. If you have not received yours, please call 01442 891122. Voting ends 08/07/24.

Dear Members,

Unfortunately, my election address did not get published on the ballot paper and whilst this is a disappointing disadvantage, it does not obstruct me from continuing with my campaign to be your next General Secretary.

My campaign has received outstanding support from many NEC and Area Representatives alongside a resounding voice from our members.

During the past thirty-three years I have gained a wealth of experience including the last twelve years in your Union where I have supported many hundreds of our members.   I’m well known as a woman of tenacity, loyalty and determination when advocating for our members alongside strong professional relationships across all business areas, promoting healthy negotiations that get results.  

I have extensive experience in Pay Negotiations, Policy Change Consultations, Job Security, Business Transformation discussions, Health and Safety and several areas that affect you. It’s also been my privilege to support our members during times of workplace conflict where mediation has led to successful resolutions.

Sadly call Centre staff and Branch staff tell me they are overwhelmed, like never before. Customer demands are greater, and members say they are struggling to meet these demands with so little resource. 

On a day-to-day basis, I work closely with members who say they must take on more accountability with no extra pay.  I have listened to our members who say they feel micromanaged, and systems driven. This has become evident in the numbers of people presenting with poor health.

Workloads are increasing, staff are reducing, pay is not equal to the daily demands you must meet. 

We know change will come, as new technology and Artificial Intelligence gain momentum.   However, human interaction remains an integral part of future employment stability for our members, and I will continue to focus on this.  With your Vote, I will take Advance forward to stand firm, giving you the opportunity you deserve in these complex consultations. 

I am also determined to unite and upskill our Representatives, to be their best when representing you.  I intend to give opportunity for our Representatives and our National Executive Committee to be strengthened and equipped to work effectively on your behalf, giving you the support you deserve from an Independent Union.  Communications are vital, both from within and outside of our Union and I will ensure this is maintained to both give, and receive, vital information that makes a difference.

By giving me your Vote, we will meet the future together, raising a strong and loud voice during these unprecedented times, because YOU are the reason the Bank succeeds.

·      I will continue protecting your rights.

·      You will have your say, by balloting when it comes to Pay negotiations.

·      I will address the disparity in pay and the need for,

·      More flexibility on where and how you work.

·      I will raise your concerns about the lack of genuine career progression and future job opportunities.

·      I will continue to talk with the Bank about giving our members a choice at times of redundancies.

By using your Vote to elect me as your next General Secretary, you give yourselves the best opportunity to be truly heard and represented by a highly experienced credible and well qualified critical thinker.

The next five years are predicted to be more challenging than we have previously known. You deserve a General Secretary who leads with empathy, expertise, and insights to manage this effectively to your benefit.



“2024 is a year of massive change within Advance Union.

Linda Rolph and Rose O’Neill retire next month. With the loss of our two female leading lights, one of my key objectives will be to maintain a good cross section of a diverse and talented team of Senior Representatives.

There are currently eight people within the Senior Team at Advance and as we say “goodbye” to at least three of them in 2024, our team becomes quite reduced. We know the future winds of change are coming our way in 2025 and beyond, this will require a pragmatic and outspoken voice to challenge and negotiate with the bank. My previous skills and experience give me everything that is required to meet the accountability and responsibility with a loud voice. So, this feels like the perfect time for me to step forward to develop Linda’s legacy. She has had an incredible run for the past 24 years and I know she well deserves to now enjoy her retirement.

Linda leaves very large shoes to fill but having had twelve years working alongside her, I’m ready to take up the challenge. Her dedication and mentoring of me have been invaluable to me and now is the time for me to step forward.

Those who know me well, will already know that our members are at the heart of everything I do. This will remain my goal but with a much louder voice as your General Secretary.

This is a postal vote that takes place in the early weeks of June. To ensure that you get your opportunity to vote please contact the Advance office on 01442 891122 and ensure your postal details are correct.”

— Deborah Croucher

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new
— Socrates

What I stand for…

I have always been totally member centric, as after all, Advance Union is for the support of the members. Those who know me have experienced my support and representation during difficult times. I have always been outspoken with a balance that promotes good communications with the bank, in a pragmatic and honest way.

  • Members continuing to have their say, supported by myself and my team

  • Because there is no job for life anymore I will be pushing for a lifetime of jobs

  • I want to see a fair chance given to voluntary redundancies

  • Focus on career development across the Bank, for those who want it

  • For members to be involved at the crucial time of Pay Negotiations

  • Encourage accreditations and development for our union representatives

  • Ensuring company culture and work-life balance is the best it can be for the union and the bank